How To Prepare For Bed Bug Extermination

No one wants to find out that their home has bed bugs, but it helps to know that there are exterminators that can eliminate the problem. Rather than try to eradicate the unwanted critters yourself through various methods, it may be best to spend the money and call in the professionals. Although some home remedies may work for a while, bed bugs are likely to make a comeback sooner or later without heavy-duty treatment. [Read More]

5 Ways To Make Your New Construction Home Feel Like Home

Purchasing a new home is expensive, but finally you will have a new home that has never been lived in before. That's a great feeling, but when you first move in, it's probably going to feel a little empty and not like a cozy place you can call your own. However, you already spent a good deal of money on the purchase of your home, so how can you fill it without spending a fortune? [Read More]

3 Excellent Reasons Why You Should Rent An Apartment Near The University You Are Attending

When it comes to looking at house for college, it can be fun, exciting, and even a little bit overwhelming. For a lot of students, this is their first time living on their own, so they are new to the whole process. One important thing that you are going to want to think about is how close you would like to like to your college campus. There are several benefits that come from living close to your university, and this article will discuss 3 excellent reasons why you should rent an apartment near the university that you are attending. [Read More]

Find Guests When The Gowns Leave Town: 3 Tips To Promote Your College-Area Rental

University and college areas often become ghost towns over the summer and during holiday breaks, but all it takes is a bit of savvy marketing of your rental property to attract paying guests throughout the year. Try one of these methods to increase traffic during off-peak seasons: Provide appropriate amenities Off-campus housing developers have learned that students want to have fun, and these investors now design their rental properties with wave pools and other resort-style features. [Read More]