What Makes A Realtor Stand Out When Selling A Home?

Are you in the process of selling your home and need to find a realtor to help you do it? If so, you may be wondering what traits you should be looking for in a realtor that can make them stand out among the rest. Here are a few traits that you should look out for. The Realtor Has Plenty Of Sales Experience The best way to get better at doing anything is through experience, which is why you want to find a realtor with plenty of experience with selling homes. [Read More]

4 Tips For Writing A Friendly & Professional Rent Increase Letter

When your tenants renew their leases, you have the opportunity to keep their rent the same or to increase their rent. If your operating costs have increased, it makes sense to increase your tenant's rent if they agree to sign a new lease agreement. When you write and send a rent increase letter, you want to make sure you do so in both a professional and friendly manner while following all local rent increase rules. [Read More]

Does An Accepted Offer Seal The Deal?

You take your time shopping for a house and find the one you want, so you make an offer. The seller than accepts the offer. At this point, you have an accepted offer on your hands, but does this really seal the deal? If you are in this position, it is important to know how this works and what must be done after the seller accepts the offer in order to seal the deal, and here are several things that must occur for you to close on the house and take over possession and ownership rights of it. [Read More]

How Buying A Luxury Home Can Make You Money

Are you currently looking through the local real estate ads for luxury single family home listings? If so, your primary objective may be to find a primary residence, but it's also understandable if you are debating whether a luxury home is worth the luxury price tag. While a luxury home will of course be one of the largest purchases, if not the largest purchase you ever make in your life, this also be an unexpected investment opportunity. [Read More]