What Is A Customized Mortgage?

Getting a mortgage for your home can be a pretty complicated experience, since there are so many different terms and options that you need to think about. Is an adjustable-rate mortgage better than a fixed-rate mortgage? What is a jumbo mortgage and how will your options change if you are a veteran? However, there is one option that has recently become pretty popular for its versatility, and that is the customized mortgage. [Read More]

Apartment Rental Tips For Those Who Have Bad Credit

If your employer is relocating you to a new state for an extended period of time, then you may be worried that your low credit score could prevent you from renting an apartment in your new city. Thankfully, people with low credit ratings successfully rent apartments every day, and using these time-tested tips, you can be one of them: Skip the Large Apartment Complexes with Professional Property Managers While you may have visions of yourself basking in the sun next to the large pool at your new apartment complex, it is always better to have more realistic expectations for your new apartment. [Read More]

Tips For Finding The Best Apartment Complex

Are you looking to get out of your current apartment and into a new apartment complex? If you are, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you not only save on your new apartment but also that there isn't anything that prevents you from renewing your lease after your initial lease expires. So, if you want to be confident that the next apartment complex is great for your needs, be sure to look for an apartment with the following in mind: [Read More]

Need To Reestablish An HOA In Your Older Neighborhood? Get It Started With These Tips

Do you live in an older neighborhood that used to have a homeowner's association, but is disassembled and now there are things that need to be fixed? Do many of the neighbors agree that they would rather pay a small fee to have a company manage the things that need work around the neighborhood?  If so, it's time to talk with a homeowner's association company to see if they would be willing to manage your neighborhood. [Read More]