Things To Do Before You Hire A Real Estate Agent

A real estate agent will want to start the process of advertising your home and showing it to potential buyers as soon as possible. While this is a good thing, you will want to make sure that you are ready for that. To ensure that your home is ready to officially go on the market, you will need to consider doing the following things: Remove the Clutter Whether this means that you need to rent a dumpster to clean out the garage, basement, and attic from the things you have been storing for years and that may not be any good anymore, or you start packing things up to take them to storage, you need to start removing the clutter as soon as possible. [Read More]

Three Ways To Speed Up Your Home's Closing

If you are in the process of purchasing a new home from one of the many realtors around the country and you are trying to get your family moved in before school starts, you probably only have a few weeks. While that can be a very small window of time, if your lender is able to process your documents, it is still possible to get it done but it is going to take some work on your part, as well as on the part of the real estate agent. [Read More]

Ways To Build A Community In Rental Properties As A Property Manager

As a property manager, you take on the task of making sure that a property owner's rental property runs smoothly and that rent payments are collected on time. Though this is the bare bones version of what you likely do in a day, it is the crux of the job. Part of making sure that things run smoothly is to build a community among the tenants. You may be wondering how you can do this. [Read More]

Four Subtle Things to Look for When Viewing a House for Sale

When you visit a house for sale, there are so many things to take in all at once. You want to make note of the number of bedrooms, whether the basement is damp, and whether the windows and roof are in good shape. In the whirlwind of tasks and emotions, it's easy to overlook these less-obvious things you should be looking for when viewing a home. Which way does the home face? [Read More]