Working With Your Realtor To Get Your Home Sold Fast — 4 Ways To Host A Spectacular Open House
Having your home just sit on the market isn't going to do you any good, so making an effort to get it sold fast is best. You can potentially receive multiple purchase offers in the course of a day if you host an open house with the assistance of a skilled real estate agent. So put out your good china, fluff your linens, and use these four pointers for getting more buyers to notice your home faster.
1. Clean Thoroughly - Your home may already be pretty clean, but vacuuming the carpets, dusting your knick-knacks, and venturing down into the dusty basement is necessary if you want to wow all of your open house visitors. Lighting a few scented candles and rearranging your furniture so that your home is as warm and inviting as possible will also help. Your real estate agent can suggest a few other key changes and improvements you can make to your home easily just before your first guests arrive.
2. Pick The Best Date - Most people choose to hold their open houses on the weekends when the majority of home shoppers will be off from work. On the other hand, if your realtor has potential buyers in mind that work a different schedule, hosting your open house on a weekday may be better. Look at the calendar, choose an ideal date to have your open house and make yourself available so that you can make your open house visitors feel more at home.
3. Double Check With Your Realtor - After all arrangements have been made for your open house, be sure to check back with your real estate agent to see if there's anything else that needs to be done. Your realtor may want you to move your car away from your home so that there is adequate room for visitors to park their own vehicles or move some children's toys out of the front yard so that there are no visual distractions. Even if you would prefer to do things your own way, listen carefully to every word of advice from your realtor — it could greatly assist you in getting a buyer to make an offer the same day as your open house.
4. Wait For An Offer - There may be buyers who fall in love with your home, but they may be unable to make an offer to purchase until they can get approval from their mortgage provider. If you receive positive feedback on the look and feel of your home, you can rest assured that an offer is in the works and coming soon.