A Few Tips For Tenants When Renting From A Property Leasing Company
Some renters prefer to rent directly from the homeowner, feeling a property leasing company will be to cold and detached if there is a problem. This can be a disadvantage in some ways. A homeowner may have an emotional attachment to the home and expect you to live in it the same way they did. They may also be harder to contact and slower when it comes to making any necessary repairs, especially if the repairs are going to be very expensive. To help you work with the property leasing company in a manner that is beneficial to you both, here are a few tips.
Sure it can be embarrassing to have to call and ask for an extension on the rent payment, but talking with them and explaining the situation honestly can go a long way. You may end up with some type of legal notice with a date for paying the rent but in most cases, as long as you talk with them, show proof of why you do not have the money on time, and how you will rectify this in the future, they will be willing to work with you. This communication goes for everything. Contact them as soon as there is a problem that needs repairing until waiting until it becomes something major, ask permission for things not included in the lease, and return any missed calls from them as soon as possible.
Document Everything
Any time you talk with the company, write down what was discussed. If you ask permission to have guests stay longer than the lease provides, get that permission in writing. Send an email or letter to the company after calling about a needed repair and request a reply detailing how it will be handled. This way, if the repair is not completed and you have to take care of it yourself, you have proof you did inform them of the issue and can take the money you spent out of the next rent payment.
Know Your Rights
Be sure to read the lease agreement entirely and ask questions if you do not understand any portion of it. Any time you receive a letter or notice of some type, be sure to read it and follow through with anything requested as long as it is included in the lease. Contact the company if the notice does not follow the lease and ask for an explanation. If necessary, contest the notice through the legal system.
Renting a home through a property leasing company is going to be different than renting directly from the homeowner. However, you can be sure to be treated fairly and legally with a company. It is their business and they take it very seriously. They want to have good relationships with their tenants and will work hard to make sure both you and the homeowner are satisfied with their service.